Momentum Meetings

Brand Identity Design

Constructing the brand identity of a seasoned meetings specialist to attract tech industry clients.

Jerry Diaz is a Certified Meeting Professional with over two decades of industry experience. As a consultant, he does everything from assisting in producing conferences, trade shows, and experiential field marketing to negotiating travel accommodations and sourcing vendors and suppliers. Like myself, he handles all of his client’s needs with one goal in mind: allowing them to focus on what’s most important — growth!

Big Picture

• With the aim of attracting a greater number of startup and tech industry clients, I placed a significant emphasis on adopting modern visuals to resonate with the contemporary sensibilities of their target audience.

Forward Motion. Upward Growth.

Our objective was for the branding to act as a symbol of ambition and strategic pursuit. The visual elements and design choices were carefully crafted to embody the concept of momentum, effectively capturing the energy and determination that propel us toward our goals.

A snapshot of a branded Dot Card profile and customized email signature

An eco-friendly alternative to the industry tradition

In the tradeshow and conference industry, networking is essential for building connections and generating leads. However, the traditional method of exchanging business cards can be wasteful and did not align with Jerry’s eco-friendly values. That’s why Jerry was looking for a more sustainable alternative to connect with potential leads. After discussing his concerns, I introduced him to DotCard – a digital networking card that offers a more efficient and eco-friendly way to share contact information.

With DotCard, we created a branded profile that includes all of his contact information, which can be accessed through a simple NFC tap or QR code scan. This makes it easy for leads to connect with him on LinkedIn, save his contact information to their phone, or send an email to stay in touch.

DotCard allows Jerry to build relationships while minimizing the number of paper cards shared and also improves the conversion rate of leads making a connection. It’s a win-win solution that benefits both Jerry and the environment.